Whether you are new to the workplace, returning to the workplace or looking to make a change – meeting and building relationships with individuals connected to your field of interest can OPEN DOORS!
Many of us associate the word, “networking,” with going up to strangers at a professional event or even, “cold-calling.” We can however meet “door openers” in many different ways!
This past May, Blaise Bryant was offered the Communications and Outreach Associate position at Consumer Directed Choices. While he enjoyed and learned a lot from his peer advocacy role at the Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley, he aspired to a position in communications and the media (both his passions and the fields he studied in college!)
So how and when did Blaise hear of this job opening? “This past March my colleague and friend Denise DiNoto and I were presenting together for a Healthcare Worker class…Denise mentioned that she had a job opening.” And this was before it was advertised through Indeed, Monster.com, etc.!
“Denise and I met five years ago,” Blaise explained, “when we both attended Alumni Association meetings at the College of Saint Rose. I served as President of the Student Alumni Association while Denise was President of the Alumni Association…And we built and maintained a relationship!” Blaise continued, “I had Denise on the radio show that I hosted… and after I graduated, we stayed in touch and continued to collaborate and co-present on disability-related topics.”
So when Blaise learned of this job opening in his field and submitted his resume, Denise DiNoto (his “would-be” supervisor) was a trusted colleague and Blaise was a “known entity and valued colleague” to Denise. Three interviews later, Blaise was hired!
When I checked in with Blaise four weeks into the job, he was feeling excited about this next step in his career journey. “I am definitely using more of the skills that I learned in my College of Saint Rose communications classes,” Blaise explained. “My job is to increase awareness of Consumer Directed Personal Assistant Services (CDPAS) – through social media as well as networking at various meetings. And yes, it’s great to be moving along career-wise… I am also enjoying working with a great group of folks here at Consumer Directed Choices!”
To learn more about Blaise’s career journey, go to https://yourcareerfitmatters.com/spending-time-in-our-strengths-unleashes-our-best-gives-us-more-energy-and-gives-us-an-advantage-in-the-market-place/