To date, eight books about Ruth Bader Ginsberg have been published.  Add to that the documentary, RBG AND most recent movie “On the Basis of Sex,” and it’s clear we’re talking about an icon! But it wasn’t the Justice’s fame or iconic status or even her specific answers or comments, that has stayed with me…

             after the Glimmerglass Opera event that I attended last month!

It was her CONFIDENCE AND CONVICTIONS …No questions about RBG’s beliefs or valuesNo question that she intends to stay in her position until “she is no longer able to perform her job at full steam!”

When I meet with individuals, looking to get into the workplace or looking to find a different position, it is this confidence – this core or affirmative – that I look for and assist each individual to find…

HOW?  I ask questions!  The more that each job seeker and I understand about their workplace preferences…

to what types of jobs, activities, projects they have been drawn, where they felt comfortable and competent, those jobs that they enjoyed (and did not elicit those Sunday evening “blues”)…

IN RELATION to the job description and qualifications sought by that employer, the better we can, together, clarify and bolster that conviction and confidence of “those jobs that match his/her skills, strengths and values!” 

…and allow each person to feel – and convey – in the interview that “I am an excellent candidate for this position!”

And in the same way as our frail, but powerful Supreme Court Justice RUTH BADER GINSBURG, it’s that energy and confidence that we bring to the interview that sticks! and will be remembered by the interviewer, long after the interview is over! …that message that “This is where I belong.”  “This is what I want to do.”

This Fall, I will be available again at both the Schenectady County Public Library Mont Pleasant and Phyllis Bornt branches…whether you are looking to get into the workplace or looking to make a job change, whether you bring extensive experience or very little prior work experience, whether you are looking for resume assistance or career coaching, I will be happy to assist you in moving towards your job/career goals!

Check out the EVENTS tab!


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